A Word from LCN’s Fundraising Chairs

Thank you to all the Lake Claire residents who have donated time and money for past fundraising events. A special thank you goes out to Cynthia Baer who headed fundraising last year and did a wonderful job! Fundraising for Lake Claire keeps Lake Claire Neighbors in the black to offer […]

An announcement from the Frazer Center

As you are probably aware, The Frazer Center is adjacent to the Lake Claire neighborhood.  They have asked us communicate this to the neighborhood: Zoning Overlay Update The Frazer Center and the Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House have been working together over the last several months to bring our current zoning […]

On getting items on this website

Hi all, I’ve just received several messages wanting to know how to get items of interest to the neighborhood on the website, and what lead time is required. If you have an item that needs to be announced on the website, please send an email to comm@lakeclaire.org and include any […]

Feb State Legislative Update with Stacy Abrams

February State Legislative Update State Rep. Stacey Abrams (HD-84) Date: Saturday, February 25, 2012 Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: Oakhurst Presbyterian Church 118 2nd Ave Decatur, 30330 TOPICS INCLUDE: Key Legislation HR 1162 – Special Schools Bill Budget Proposals All persons are welcome to attend. This event is […]

Announcements: Urgent Schools information

Make sure you’ve made your voice heard, and talk to your friends and neighbors.  Here are two things you should do. Please remember to complete the APS survey BY FRIDAY, FEB 24 at http://www.survey2go.net/aps/?sidx=203. Note that LCN supports Option A, and the statement details talking points about the options and our […]

Announcement: Movie Night!

Our first fundraising event of the year is coming up. On Mar 31 at Lake Claire Park:  Lake Claire Movie Night No decision on movie yet, looking for volunteers to help with the event! 50% money will go to general fund for the neighborhood, and 50% to a green space […]

Don’t forget- Make your voice heard

APS Redistricting: FILL OUT THE SURVEY BY FEBRUARY 24 Go here: http://www.survey2go.net/aps/?sidx=203 and let the demographers know which option you prefer and why.  It is critical that you explain your answers. The demographers will tally numbers for the options, but they will also look for key themes in the comments, which are highly impactful.  Please reference […]

From the Lake Claire Schools Committee

Hello everyone!  The Lake Claire Schools Committee has been working hard on our position statement for the round 2 redistricting options, and we anticipate releasing the formal statement this weekend.  Thanks for your patience!  In the meantime, please keep the following in mind: 1)   FILL OUT THE SURVEY BY FEBRUARY 24 Go […]

Tonight: Atlanta Board of Education Listening Session

Thursday, February 9, 7:00 – 9:00 pm What: Atlanta Board of Education Listening Session with the SRT3 Community – Hosted by CINS Where: Grady High School Auditorium, 929 Charles Allen Drive, Atlanta, 30309 Notes: The ABOE members from District 1 Ms. Brenda Muhammad, District 2 Ms. Cecily Harsch-Kinnane, Seat 7 […]